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Quartz stone countertop acceptance standard
- Jun 04, 2019-

Quartz stone has become synonymous with countertops. In many countertop materials, quartz stone gradually occupied the entire countertop market with its excellent performance. Quartz stone is rich in color, smooth and dense, and has no pores comparable to natural marble. Quartz Stone  belongs to artificial stone plate, which can be used in large area without color difference, and has certain plasticity compared with natural stone. With the continuous improvement of the production capacity and technology of quartz stone manufacturers in China, quartz stone has been used more on the ground and indoor walls.


quartz stone countertops  acceptance standard


1. Chromatic aberration: Quartz stone of the same model color will have a certain degree of chromatic aberration due to different factory time. Everyone must pay attention to the comparison when entering the table.


2. Flatness: After the table is installed, be sure to check the flatness with a level.


3. Seam: If the countertop is installed, you can clearly see the glue line of the joint, or you can feel the obvious staggered seam by hand, indicating that the seam is definitely not done well.


4. Opening: The position of the sink and the cooker on the countertop needs to be opened. The edge of the opening should be smooth and not have a zigzag shape; the four corners must have a certain curvature, which cannot be a simple right angle, and must be specially reinforced. It is best to avoid selecting on-site openings.


5. The black splash: in order to prevent the water from the countertop to the back of the cabinet, so the countertop against the wall, must be turned up to form a water retaining. It should be noted that this upturn must have a smooth arc upturn, but not a right angle upturn, otherwise it will leave a dead corner that is difficult to clean.

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