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The causes and solutions for various quality problems of quartz stone plates
- Aug 24, 2019-



Phenomenon: After polishing, there are holes on the surface of the plate, and the holes are caused by the solidification of the material.


Reason analysis:

1. There is dry powder in the material.

2. When the board is polished, it is turned over, and the back is used for the front. The back is made of pits formed by the material taken off when the paper is torn.



1. In the mixing process, the dry powder on the impeller should be blown off, and the dry powder on the door and the outlet should be blown off when discharging material.


2. Eliminate turning and polishing of sheets due to paper marks and miscellaneous colors; tear the sheets 180 degrees from the surface of the sheets after pressing, so as to make the sheets as free as possible.




 Paper markings



1. Kraft paper is embedded in the board. 2. Kraft paper is bulging and the surface of the board is pitted when polished.


Reason analysis:

1. Material arching is caused by the impact between the die before solidification or between the die and the iron frame.


2. The kraft paper is not laid well.


3. The vibration force of the press is not uniform, and the indenter, the bottom plate and the die flutter irregularly.



1. After the slabs extruder, it can not rush and crash.


2. Pave kraft paper smoothly. If the Kraft is paved, it will wrinkle. Double-sided glue can be pasted on the mould to fix the kraft paper.


3. Adjust the parameters of the press to synchronize the vibration of the press.

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