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Quartz stone countertops are deformed in use, what is the cause?
- Dec 29, 2018-

Home decoration, people not only pursue the external beauty, but also the requirements for the environmental performance of decorative materials. As we all know, the current decorative materials, the price of relatively environmentally friendly materials is very high. It is often necessary to move in after half a year after renovation, that is, people are worried about the harmful substances in the decoration. For ordinary home decoration, due to the problem of renovation budget, the requirements for environmental protection are often neglected. As a green decorative stone, quartz stone is recognized by everyone. However, there will be some problems. Many people have asked questions about the deformation of quartz stone countertops. Here is a list of the reasons why the quartz stone countertops  deformation is raised.


The raw material of quartz stone plate is more than 90% quartz sand and 7% resin and other binders are cured by vacuum, high pressure and kiln. Therefore, the higher the amount of resin, the worse the quality of quartz stone, and the more easily the quartz stone is deformed, the less resistant it is to scratching. To reduce the possibility of deformation, firstly, only reduce the resin content, select the machine with higher pressure, choose quartz sand with higher density, and increase the pressure to increase the tightness during molding. This is related to the production of quartz stone manufacturers. In addition, it is a loophole left in the processing and installation. When the cabinet is connected, there is no possibility that the pad or the strip will be deformed and lifted.


There are still many people who choose to make homemade cabinets. The countertops are made of quartz stone. The bonding method is also cemented. This bonding method often separates cement and quartz stone. This is because the cement is CaC03, an alkaline oxide that reacts with the acid, just as the quartz stone raw material contains an acidic resin. The reduction in the cement reacts with the acid in the resin, and the paste on the countertop of the homemade cabinet can be selected and glued with black clay.


Therefore, in order to ensure the quality of quartz stone products, in the processing and installation, you need to pay attention to the following points.

1. When designing the plane splicing, the physical properties of the Quartz Stone  should be taken into consideration to avoid the consequences of joint cracking caused by thermal expansion and contraction or stress concentration. When selecting the connection position, the force of the plate must be fully considered. Avoid connecting at the corner or the mouth.

2. When designing the corner of the countertop, the stress concentration should be fully considered, causing the crack at the corner of the countertop. Therefore, the arc angle of the radius of 25mm or more should be maintained at all corners during processing.

3. When designing the opening position, the opening position should be greater than or equal to 80mm from the edge of the table to prevent the hole from cracking. The corner of the opening should be rounded at a radius of 25mm or more.

4. When the table top is installed, there should be a 3-5mm expansion and contraction gap between the table top and the wall to effectively ensure that the table top is not cracked due to thermal expansion and contraction.

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