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The reason why the glue of quartz splicing does not dry for a long time
- Nov 30, 2019-

At present, quartz stone has been widely used in the whole building decoration. Because artificial quartz stone  is wear-resistant, scratch resistant, high temperature resistant, corrosion-resistant, impermeable, non-toxic, radiation-free and zero formaldehyde, it can be used as food grade environmental protection table, etc. Quartz stone is rich in color, adjustable in appearance and as hard as natural stone. Therefore, the processing and manufacturing of quartz stone is different from that of ordinary artificial stone, especially for seamless splicing. Many people will recommend that we use the resin glue distributed by quartz stone manufacturer for splicing, which often does not solidify for a long time in use. What is the cause?


The reasons for the non setting of glue are as follows:


1. The workers did not mix the glue strictly according to the proportion during the construction. If they did not mix the glue evenly according to the proportion, they would not dry. If the time was long, they would pollute the stone!


2. It is not modulated according to the environment (temperature and humidity) at the construction site, and the resin glue is used with quartz powder and curing agent. Therefore, there are certain requirements for temperature and humidity, and the amount of curing agent added should change accordingly.


3. Water in the glue, or construction in rainy days and humid areas, is also a cause of slow glue curing. In this case, the use of curing agent should be increased.

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