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Why quartz tops crack
- Apr 17, 2020-

One of the most important thing in kitchen decoration is the selection of the counter top. The quality of the counter top will directly affect the service life of the whole kitchen facilities. There should also be certain requirements for the environmental protection of the counter top materials, because the counter top is in direct contact with our food. If the counter top contains toxic substances, it will pose a certain threat to our health.

At present, the common countertop materials in the market are artificial stone, natural stone, quartz stone, and stainless steel, etc. The most used material is quartz. Quartz Stone  is a kind of die-casting artificial stone product. It is molded by quartz stone manufacturers. It has many advantages, such as wear-resistant, scratch resistant, high temperature resistant, impermeable, non-toxic and radiation-free. However, because the hardness of quartz stone can reach the highest level of Moh’s hardness 7, it is not easy to process, and it is easy to crack or explode in usage.

As below the positions in quartz stone countertop  where easy to crack:

1. Cracking at the splicing joint of the table top: when the installation worker is splicing, if the seam is not aligned, the glue is not evenly applied, or the curing agent is added to the glue or the excessive agent is added to make the splicing joint brittle, which is cracked when it is slightly impacted in the usage;

2. Cracking at the corner: cracking because the top is too close to wall without shrinkage joint, uneven or not-flat between two cabinets, impact of external force or uneven shrinkage of the temperature change;

3. Cracks around the above-counter basin: there is no gap between above-counter basin and the basin hole, the basin hole is not polished, the two are smooth, or impacted by external forces or uneven contraction of the temperature change will cause crack;

So above are the positions of quartz countertop where easy to crack and detailed reason. It’s very important to pay more attention on them during installation of quartz counter tops.

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