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tips for maintain your quartz countertops
- Jul 18, 2021-

To make your surface look brand new, you must ensure that the following substances never come into contact with your quartz worktop. We recommend removing spilled quartz surfaces as quickly as possible to be calm and proactive, regardless of which material you choose for your countertops. For example, white Cambria Quartz can be discoloured by drops of coffee, and if spilled liquid is left alone, it can seep in and contaminate the stone underneath. If sweaty glass is spilled or left on the quartz surface, wipe it off immediately with water and avoid saturating the quartz.

white big slab

If you need a repair for damage or chips, look at the warranty that comes with your quartz worktop to see if the repair is covered by the manufacturer or not. Most warranties are 25 years on quartz countertops, so double check.


The strength of the quartz composition means that you don't have to worry about repairs either, so the surface of your quartz worktop never has to be sealed. Considering this and following the same rules as when polishing or cleaning your quartz countertops, quartz will maintain a flawless condition for a long time. You can check out the best quartz counters in Toronto here on this page, but we always recommend good quality quartz to our customers. All other types of quartz, such as lime products, damage the granite and cause damage to the quartz. We have much more to offer so that you can take good care of our quartz worktops.


Even an 80-year-old should be able to make a scratched or refined marble countertop look better, but if your quartz countertops are brushed or textured, which is not meant to be very shiny, there is a chance you will change your mind and opt for a polished finish across the board. If you have quartz counters that are very durable, you don't have to worry about the surface degradation and you will be sure they look shiny.


Quartz may be tough, but the stone is not indestructible and there may still be chipping, scratches and cracks. If you put too much force on it, you risk tearing out more scratches that even make it to the quartz worktop just to do a repair. The good news is that you can remove minor scratches with the kind of stone. Quartz can also be scratched when exposed to extreme loads, such as a car, truck or even fire. 

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