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Do Quartz Countertops Scratch Easily
- Apr 29, 2021-

Do Quartz Countertops Scratch Easily?


People want to know how durable they are and whether they scratch, but how much do you know about quartz? You may be impressed by quartz countertops in magazines or at a friend's. But how do you clean and clean them, and how can you clean them in the same way as a normal countertop?


If you're looking for information about quartz countertops, this is the place to be - check out some of the best quartz countertops in Toronto here on this page. Most quartz manufacturers have the same basic care and cleaning recommendations, but below you will find a list of questions I get asked about the quality and durability of quartz, as well as some tips and tricks. I always recommend good quality quartz to my customers, and lime-based products such as soap and shampoo damage the quartz. To learn more about cleaning and polishing quartz countertops, see our Quartz Coaster Cleaning Guide. 


Before considering the pros and cons, it is important to understand exactly what quartz is and how manufacturers make quartz worktops. If you are thinking about picking quartz and need that extra nudge, here are some reasons why you should consider using quartz for your countertop.


Quartz, on the other hand, is a technical stone, and most quartz products are designed to mix up to 5% polymer resins with 95% ground quartz. Quartz countertops are made from mineral-extracted plates and are made by crushing parts of natural quartz and mixing with resin, binders and various pigments to create a unique looking countertop over time. A certain percentage of quartz slates are bound to resin, and this binder, used in the production of quartz countertops, is the reason why they are more susceptible to heat.


To really get the beauty of your quartz worktop, place a hot pan or frying pan directly on the surface. Note that your quartz countertops will not break due to the presence of resin or other heat forms such as hot water.


Quartz is scratch-resistant, but if you take some care, the scratches you find may not be deep permafrost. Always use a cutting board to cook and repair a lot of quartz scratches depending on the extent of the damage. Once you have cleaned your quartz plates, assess the severity of your scratches and look for other types of damage.


Be kind to your quartz countertops, which are cleaned and cleaned regularly, and they will give you a lifetime of pleasure. If you can take good care of them, you will be able to share much more with your friends and family, as well as with the rest of the world. 


Whether marble, quartz or granite, let us learn how to repair a scratched stone slab and restore it to its pristine condition. Take a degreaser of your choice and spray it on your quartz countertops to ensure that quartz can be used safely. Make sure that it has been used on the quartz and that you have made it clear to yourself that this is the safest way to use it. Polish the surface with a soft, clean cloth before spraying it with a kind of sanding pad that you should use just like any other surface, such as marble. 


There are a few things, such as permanent markers, that can stain quartz surfaces, but not real granite. If you are on a quartz worktop, the surface should be damaged - durable, even if it is a bit stained, just like any other surface.


Quartz is scratch and shatter resistant because it is somewhat more flexible than natural stone due to its polymer resin. Quartz countertops are also durable, so they don't crack or splinter so easily, and small damage can often be polished away. Their durability is similar to that of concrete and granite, but the granite countertop is slightly more susceptible to chips than quartz.    

Resins act as a sealant, but quartz countertops do not need them, so they do not need to be sealed and the surface of the quartz countertop never needs to be sealed. Scratches on a stone counter top may seem like a nightmare, but here at Kowalski Granite and Quartz we are always available for help. The strength of the quartz composition means that you also have to deal with repairs.


While you may be able to repair a scratched quartz countertop yourself, local suppliers have the high-quality materials needed for seamless repairs. Savvy Home Supply sources our quartz plates from some of the best manufacturers in the country and offers quartz counter top installation at unbeatable prices. 


Quartz is usually slightly cheaper than granite, depending on the quality of the stone, but depending on where you live, cheaper granite can be or be much cheaper than quartz. Compared to granite countertops, quartz cannot be at the same price level in many markets. Quartz is much better for granite and much worse for it depending on where it lives. Depending on where I lived, cheaper granite was or is for me much cheaper than quartz. 

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