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Benefits Of Quartz Stone part three
- Aug 07, 2021-

Benefits Of Quartz Stone part three

You can also benefit from the renewal of the energy you carry with you, so that you can start fresh. It is a quick and easy method to clean quartz without worrying about whether or not you will damage the crystal. The special feature of a clear quartz crystal is that it can be washed, cleaned and cleaned in a few minutes without you having to put a lot of effort into it. A properly programmed clear quartz crystal gem will radiate positive energy from the back of the room.

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Add a clear quartz elixir to your bath water and place your clear quartz crystal in the water to enjoy a soothing bath. Put the clear quartz in a glass of mineral water to work really well and add a few drops of your favourite mineral oil such as lavender or olive oil to the bath water.

Quartz can be held in the palm of your hand and you can adjust the crystal to reduce bad energy. You can get an idea of what you want to manifest in your mind by touching this crystal.


You can make a lattice out of pure quartz and add it to other healing crystals. You acquire a beautiful energy block group that will benefit you from the advantages of all of them.


If jewelry is too expensive, you can use small tumbled stone quartz crystals to keep them in your pocket all day long. If you want to communicate with minerals, animals or even plants, solar quartz is a good stone. Another way to use this stone are pendulums made of quartz. A quartz pendulum resonates with you, so it can help you to respond more easily.

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