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Maintenance Tips of Quartz Countertops
- Jun 24, 2021-


If you have recently bought a new home, you may be wondering how to preserve your beautiful marble, quartz or granite countertops. Regular maintenance of the quartz worktop is very simple and only takes a few minutes a day. Maintaining your countertops is relatively easy and easy. 


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Quartz countertops experts recommend a basic cleaning, while for normal maintenance daily cleaning is recommended. Make sure you follow the recommendations for daily and weekly maintenance and follow the recommendation for daily or weekly maintenance at least once a month. 


If you want to make sure your quartz countertops are in the best possible condition, take the right care to maintain their beauty. Be kind to them, with regular attention and cleaning, and they will give you a lifetime of pleasure.


Do not use hard chemicals: It is very important to avoid detergents from the end of the pH spectrum when cleaning your quartz countertops. Make sure your detergent is suitable for quartz countertops or if you need something that is slightly stronger than that.

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If you manage to damage your quartz countertops, they can be much harder to repair than camouflage granite, because they have a rock pattern that masks imperfections. Don't let the chaos sit there too long, as technical stones like quartz can withstand stains much better than granite, even at the same time. Do not use a sharp knife: this is one of the main reasons why you do not use sharp knives on quartz plates. Quartz is strong enough to withstand the effects of sharp objects such as a knife, but not as strong as granite.

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