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Be care of your coutertops
- Aug 29, 2021-

Special care not to drop heavy objects on HanStone quartz countertops also ensures the lasting beauty of your quartz countertop. If glass cleaners, soap and water do not help, you can use a kitchen degreaser. It is easy to use, just spray disinfectant on your granite or quartz floor and let it sit for a few minutes. Rinse the countertop with water after the cleaner has come into contact with the quartz plate and rinse it off. 



Restrict the maintenance intensity of your HanStone quartz countertops to the design of Mother Nature and the natural beauty of the quartz countertop.


Quartz can be available in a wide range of colours, but white quartz worktops can also provide a variety of textures. If you have any kind of colour scheme, be sure to find a quartz countertop to complement your design. Even if you are sure you want a white, black, red, blue, green or even blue countertop, quartz countertops can be a great addition to your home or office, as well as any other home.

Because quartz is artificially produced and not porous, it does not have the ability to seal the natural stone work surfaces as they do. Of course, a quartz worktop does not need to be sealed in the same way as natural stones, but that does not mean that it does not need its fair share of maintenance and care. 


White quartz countertops are non-porous, making cleaning incredibly easy and stress-free. In fact, regular maintenance of quartz counters involves only daily cleaning, and the best way to clean quartz is to clean it by hand. As mentioned above, cleaning and maintaining a specially developed quartz worktop is easy because the stone does not need to be polished. While sealing a quartz plate is no longer necessary, if you want it to remain in good condition for a lifetime, you need to take care of it as much as possible. 

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