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Can You Put A Hot Pan On Quartz
- May 19, 2021-

Can You Put A Hot Pan On Quartz?


One question I often get from customers is: "Can you put a hot pan on quartz countertops? Can I place my pot directly on the quartz or granite countertops or the stove? You can remove a pot from the heat and place it on a granite plate without any problems. I have placed very hot pans and pots on granite tables and countertops and can easily set them up.


Placing hot objects directly on quartz or granite may not damage it immediately, but it can eventually crack due to heat shock. Also, the sudden installation of a hot pan on a granite worktop, stove or other hot object such as a hot plate can cause heat shocks that cause cracks.

calacatta white quartz countertop

When you place a hot pot on a marble worktop, you don't emit fumes, but sometimes it can discolor the surface and burn. Can you put your hot pan on limestone or marble countertops and it won't burn or will the marble burn and emit fumes? Marble and limestone are so different in colour that it is possible to get a change of colour or slight fire damage. Can you put a very hot pot on top of pieces of marble and place it on the granite or granite countertop? 


However, marble (natural marble) is a softer material than granite or quartz, and if you put a hot pan directly on top of it, the countertop can chip or weaken. Marble is prone to breakage due to thermal shocks from quartz or granite and as such, you must not place your pot or pan on top of the marble. 

calacatta vagil  

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