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How to mainitain your countertops
- Oct 31, 2021-

How to mainitain your countertops

If you manage to damage your quartz countertops, they can be much harder to repair than camouflage granite, because they have a rock pattern that masks imperfections. Don't let the chaos sit there too long, as technical stones like quartz can withstand stains much better than granite, even at the same time. Do not use a sharp knife: this is one of the main reasons why you do not use sharp knives on quartz plates. Quartz is strong enough to withstand the effects of sharp objects such as a knife, but not as strong as granite.


If you decide to seal your quartz countertops, you may want to save some money on an emergency replacement. This does not mean, of course, that they cannot be sealed and stored safely, they do not cause any damage. If you want a sealed quartz worktop, you can find some useful information on the right sealant under the link below.


The stone countertop is non-porous and has a high resistance to heat, stains and scratches. Quartz is an ideal material for countertops because it is very versatile and offers a wide range of uses, such as kitchen, bathroom, dining room and living room. Durability, easy maintenance and variety in texture make it the ideal choice if your countertop needs to look good for a long time.


In terms of actual appearance, maintaining a new quartz worktop is relatively easy, but there are still some who do not. Good thing that it does not take much effort to keep the quartz countertops in top shape. While you don't need to seal your quartz plate, you'll need to follow a few simple guidelines to avoid damage.

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