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Calacatta Quartz - Perfect Kitchen Countertop or BackSplash Material?
- Dec 03, 2021-

Calacatta Quartz - Perfect Kitchen Countertop or BackSplash Material?

The Calacatta Quartz Stone is one of the most treasured gemstones found in nature. It comes from Australia's South West, near the Hawea Valley. It was used thousands of years ago by aborigine hunters and artists to make their tools and weapons more beautiful and durable.

 Calacatta Quartz - Perfect Kitchen Countertop

These days, it can be used as a source of material for your kitchen countertops and other surfaces. There are many types of stone, but not all of them can add the kind of beauty and shine that the Calacatta Quartz Stone has. You can use this gemstone both for its obvious beauty, as well as its ability to reflect light and refract it in a dazzling way, so it's perfect for shining on kitchen countertops.


A Calacatta Quartz Stone is made from the calcite mineral, which is often formed when layers of carbonate come together. It is the second hardest natural quartz mineral after the Marble of Brazil. If you're looking for the perfect kitchen countertop, you may want to consider using this type of quartz in it. Because it contains no trace of bicarbonate, it is very unlikely to react with anything in your kitchen. In addition, the high concentration of quartz crystals in the core makes it highly durable, making it able to withstand wear and tear for decades.


In addition to its great look, there are several other reasons to buy a Calacatta Quartz Stone. One is that it is a perfect candidate for a countertop of any kind, since it is a completely unbroken crystal, which means it's perfectly clean and smooth. If you have a really old kitchen, then this type of quartz slab will be ideal, since it retains a very high percentage of its original volume. It also features a very fine veining, which is fine for the most delicate of kitchen work surfaces.


Another benefit of Calacatta Quartz Stone is that it will not change over time, allowing you to enjoy a consistent appearance for years to come. Because it contains no residual acid or alkali, it is resistant to stains and has very little impact on the durability of your kitchen countertops. If you are looking for a material that is not only highly durable but also looks like a highly polished marble stone, then Calacatta Quartz should be right up your alley. In fact, because it comes in a number of light gray hues, it can fit well into just about any decorating scheme, from light sage green to black and white.


Calacatta Quartz is ideally suited as a countertop or backsplash material because it is exceptionally strong and durable. It features the best of both worlds because it is very easy to install, while still retaining a high degree of appearance and quality. For all of these reasons, Calacatta Quartz Stone is a great choice for your next kitchen project, whether you're looking for a simple, clean, contemporary look, or you're looking for a high end, custom made product that can last you a lifetime. Regardless of your preference, if you choose Calacatta Quartz, you can rest assured that you'll be happy with your purchase.

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