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The Benefits of Using Quartz Veneer Over Marble and Other Stone Countertops
- Dec 03, 2021-

The Benefits of Using Quartz Veneer Over Marble and Other Stone Countertops

If you're considering a bathroom remodel and you're looking for a bold statement, then Quartz vanity countertops are the answer. Used since ancient times, quartz is now available in a variety of colors and patterns. In the past decade or so, the popularity of quartz has skyrocketed, as more homeowners are choosing to use this beautiful material to design the countertops and backsplashes in their bathrooms. Here are some of the reasons why Quartz is the perfect material for your next bathroom remodel:

 The Benefits of Using Quartz Veneer Over Marble and Other Stone Countertops

A quartz vanity countertop can create a stunning statement in any bathroom design. Because of their natural pattern and coloration, these counters can easily be blended into any decor and lighting scheme. For example, if you have black tub and shower, a black and gray quartz vanity countertop would look amazing, because both colors contrast well with each other. Another advantage of using quartz as a bathroom backsplash is that they are a practical choice: they are strong enough to withstand constant daily use, but are also easy to clean and maintain.


Quartz is very easy to install, which is another reason it's so popular. While manufacturing countertops are pre-fabricated by manufacturers, a custom quartz vanity countertop is a project that only a skilled craftsman can do. The precision and technology used in manufacturing these countertops mean that unlike manufactured products, there is no need for gluing or bonding of anything to the surface - everything is done digitally. This eliminates the need for expensive materials and allows for more customization than you can get with manufactured products.


When you work with a reputable custom fabricator to create your new bathroom countertops, the designs and materials used will all be one-of-a-kind. When you work with a fabricator that specializes in custom quartz vanity countertops, they will help you determine the best materials for your home, what colors to use, the best way to lay out the space, and any other design details you might consider important. They can provide you with a one-of-a-kind look in a space that otherwise might not have the same natural appeal. Because they are so customizable, you can choose anything from polished granite, to hammered brass, to colorful mosaic tiles to bring your home to life.


If you are choosing quartz countertop slabs for your bathroom counters, you should know that quartz slabs are extremely durable. They can take a lot of abuse and will last for decades. Because they are extremely durable, if they are installed correctly, they will stand up to years of regular wear and tear. You will have great looking counters, and they will be virtually scratch resistant and impervious to stains.


One thing to keep in mind when choosing quartz and marble countertops is that these materials do not lend themselves well to "bounce back" against stains. Therefore, you should think about sealing your slabs. Sealing the surfaces of your slabs will prevent moisture from penetrating them and causing them to discolor. In the event that water does soak in, a seal will dampen the absorption and prevent the marble or quartz from cracking under the weight.

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