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Employee Birthday Party
- Nov 13, 2020-

Birthday is a special day for everyone. Every birthday witnesses our growth and is full of our expectations for the future; in this beautiful season of golden autumn, Xinqi ushered in the fourth quarter employee birthday party. Everyone gathers together, celebrates together, and sends the best wishes to our birthday stars.


Fate allows us to gather together in the most beautiful years and share happy time. Employees will have the strongest affection and deepest love on their birthdays. Fortunately, because of you we grow up together and make this "big family" better!


Sweet birthday cakes, rich fruit snacks, and exquisite birthday gifts. The birthday stars gather together, and their words all reveal the warmth and care of family members, sincere greetings, and blessings from all colleagues, "Birthday stars" There was a happy smile on his face.


With the combination of candlelight and singing, my dear friends make birthday wishes, capture this moment with the lens, freeze this moment with the image, and wish the lovely partners realize what they want in their hearts as soon as possible. The development of the company is inseparable from the hard work of every employee, no matter what position he is in, he is an indispensable member. Thank you for your contribution, and wish you all a happy birthday and happiness~

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