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Happy Children's Day
- Jun 02, 2020-

June 1st International Children's Day, we care about your concerns

In order to give the company's employees and their children the care of the company, and to make the children spend a happy, memorable and meaningful Children's Day. The company has carefully prepared Children's Day gifts for employees' children, hoping that children can learn happily and grow up healthily.

We not only care about and care about every member of this Samari, but also pay attention to the family behind them, especially the children are concerned about the employees. I hope this gift can promptly care and love the company for employees Passed into their hearts.


The world is complex, and young people who are becoming secular are calling themselves "babies" and still eager to be treated gently by the world.

May you always retain your innocence and greet the wonders of the world with your own unique gesture;

May you be as free as a child, laugh when you are happy, and cry when you are sad;

May you be as simple and beautiful as a child, with a childlike mind forever!

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