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Can Daylight Savings Affect Your Health
- Nov 06, 2020-

Can Daylight Savings Affect Your Health

It is that time of year again, when daylight saving time comes to an end and the clocks are changed. Get ready to change your clocks again - Daylight-Savings-Time 2020 is just around the corner. This time change will force most of us to jump forward and bring our clocks forward an hour. But are you planning for the health risks associated with daylight and its changes? 


Here's a look at some of the ways the spring time change can affect your health, and what you can do about it.  


Here is a look at some of the ways daylight saving time (Daylight Saving Time) can affect your health and what you can do about it. This paper presents a study of how daylight saving time affects human health, using EMR data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) in the US. 


Daylight saving time disrupts the natural seasonal adjustment of the human clock due to morning darkness and evening light. According to an expert review, the beginning and end of daylight saving time influence the circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle) and this disturbs sleep. Switching to daylight saving time can affect the body's circadian rhythm, which releases hormones that affect sleep, the authors write. With the time change, it can also cause sleep disturbances, according to a study by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.  


A 2014 U.S. study showed that daylight saving time increases the risk of having a heart attack the following Monday by 24 percent, compared with other months of the year, according to the American Heart Association. In fact, the study, which included observations of 50 individuals, concluded that the circadian rhythms of humans overall do not really adapt to daylight saving time. The Michigan researchers also showed a small increase in heart attacks after daylight saving time, when an hour's sleep was lost, as they wrote in the American Journal of Cardiology.


Therefore, the effect that daylight saving time can have on your inner clock is similar to jet lag You experience it when you travel to another time zone. The best thing about daylight saving time is when the clocks are set back one hour and you gain an hour, but still there is a sudden shift in your daily rhythm. So while standard time really does attract the most ire, you can easily keep up with the effects of daylight saving time.  


Speaking of being thrown away: it may turn out that the time change to daylight saving time makes you feel mentally blurred and slow. The change of time associated with daylight saving time can even lead to a slight form of jet lag. 


You can help to avoid the health risks associated with the time change by taking steps to gradually adjust to the time change, such as getting enough sleep. It can also have a devastating effect on your diet, especially in the early days of the new year. 


Setting the clock back one hour can upset your sleep schedule and circadian rhythm, so don't try to catch up before you fall asleep again at the end of daylight saving time. You didn't even have to adjust it, but putting it back an hour can cause serious problems for you.


While daylight saving time is still in effect, experts say you can reduce the risk of switching to daylight saving time. Regardless, it is recommended to take small steps to adjust your circadian rhythm to the time change, so that you feel good even during the busiest time of the year. Start two or three days before the time change and give your body time to adjust, then go to bed and wake up at the same time every morning, starting at 6: 30 in the morning after the time change. As a Michigan Medicine physician here, I have some advice for you about daylight saving time and its impact on your health. 


As we all know, daylight saving time affects your entire body, but how it really affects you depends on the number of hours you sleep, the time of day and your circadian rhythm. This means that it affects overall sleep quality and, as with daylight saving time, changes basic indicators of health and reduces your mental capacity. This affects not only your libido, but also blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar, cholesterol, glucose levels and blood sugar.


If it looks like daylight saving time (daylight saving time) is the butt of jokes all the time, then it is, and she tends to behave in a way that can cause serious health problems. Daylight saving time is when the clocks go forward in spring, but it is also the time of year when your circadian rhythm changes and your body's circadian rhythm changes. When it seemed that summer time, which is always and always the buttocks of a joke, had a significant impact on his health. 

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