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Are Daylight Savings Stopping
- Oct 29, 2020-

clock in the USA, the clocks are reset and the end of daylight saving time is heralded - the time change and the beginning of the new year. Hundreds of millions of Americans have opted for daylight saving time in recent years, gaining hours of sunshine and losing an hour of sleep.


Daylight Savings Time (DST) begins every spring, when most US states move clocks forward or backward by one hour, and ends on November 1, 2020, when clocks are backward by one hour. Residents of all 48 states will turn back their clocks to begin the eight-month daylight saving time. Daylight saving time in the US starts on April 1, when the clock is turned back one hour, and ends on December 31, 2019, when it is moved back one hour, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Daylight Saving Time "or" Daylight Saving Time "or" Daylight Saving Time "or" Daylight Saving Time "falls on the first Sunday in March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March and April, when all clocks are set back or one hour to observe" Daylight Saving Time. " Daylight Saving Time "or" Daylight Saving Time "or" Daylight Saving Time "is set back or forward by one hour in October and November.


Switching to permanent daylight saving time would mean children going to school in the dark and losing hours of valuable sleep if the clock is turned back during daylight saving time. A switch to permanent daylight saving time would spell the end of daylight saving time, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOOC).


If SB20-105 is included in law, it cannot take effect until federal law is changed to allow states to stay in daylight saving time all year round. If passed, the law would change the federal Uniform Time Act, which allows states to observe daylight saving time but requires them to stay in daylight saving time throughout the year. But if the sun protection law becomes law, it would end daylight saving time by making it permanent, NOOC said.


The law also does not require states to observe daylight saving time, and allows them to stay in the standard time throughout the year. It also does not require any state to abide by daylight saving time, but allows them to stay in the normal time for a year, according to the bill's sponsor, Sen. Mike DeWine, R-San Diego. The law also does not require a state to observe daylight saving time, but allows states to maintain the standard time for all years, such as March, April, May, June and July.


If a state abolishes the changeover and stays in the standard time for a year, as Arizona and Hawaii have done, it can switch to permanent daylight saving time. If the state decides against summer time, it can implement it for the rest of the year. Wyoming will end daylight saving time after this year's law expires without the governor's signature.


To achieve this, a state must observe daylight saving time by submitting it to Congress for a vote. Moreover, states can observe it for the rest of the year without having to submit it to Congress for a vote, according to the US Department of Energy's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Weather Service (NWS) in Washington, D.C., and in some states, such as New York and New Jersey, it is doing so by taking appropriate action. Moreover, it is not necessary to observe summer time.


Florida is one of the states that has passed a law to introduce permanent daylight saving time across the country, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL).


In 2019, the Washington state legislature passed the House of Representatives and the state legislature passed a bill that would permanently allow Washington daylight saving time. Had the bill passed the Senate, it would have been the first time since daylight saving time was introduced more than a century ago that Texas voters had the opportunity to vote to repeal the biannual clock change. In 2019, the Florida Legislature, one of the states with a history of making daylight saving permanent, also passed its own bill. That included an amendment that went into effect in 2018, with Arkansas, a neighboring state, also permanently changing its clock, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. It would introduce daylight - the time change would depend on whether the United States Congress amends federal law to authorize states to observe them year-round.


Federal law does not allow permanent observance of daylight saving time, but it does allow states to exempt themselves from observance of daylight saving time. This allows states to withdraw from observation and stick to standard time, or, say, observe them at the federal level (for example, in Hawaii).

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