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International Workers Day
- Apr 25, 2021-

International Workers Day


It may be only a holiday for the comfortably employed, but May 1 is known as International Labour Day, and it is a day when working people unite to fight for basic workers "rights. May 1 (International Labour Day) is an international day of action on which working peoples unite in the name of the common good and fight for basic workers "rights. It was created in memory of the Haymarket Affair in Chicago in 1886 and is now celebrated around the world as International Labor Day or Labor Day on May 1. It was first recognized in the United States in 1884 in memory of striking union workers at Hay Market in Chicago, the first mass strike in US history.


In 1889, the International Socialist Party, an organization founded by the Socialist Workers "Party, declared that May 1 would be celebrated as International Labor Day. In 1890, in memory of the Haymarket Affair in Chicago and the first mass strike in the United States on May 1, 1884, it was designated the "International Socialist Conference" and recognized as "International Labor Day." It was the same body that proclaimed International Labour Day for the second time in 1891 and 1896, on the eve of the First World War.


In October 1884, the International Organizing Committee of Workers of the United States (IWOC) and the Socialist Party decided that May 1, 1886, would be the first day on which an eight-hour working day would come into effect. From then on, when the holiday was recognized, it became a tribute to the workers and their struggles everywhere. On May 1st of each year, the International Workers "Days became recurring events, and shortly after that, the labor movement worked tirelessly to ensure that all workers, regardless of age, sex, race or religion, had the right to work a full eight hours.


May 1, on the other hand, was chosen to commemorate the Haymarket Affair, which occurred on May 4, 1886 in Chicago. The Second International chose the date as International Labor Day to commemorate the tragic events of May 4, 1886, when an unknown person threw a bomb at the police, who responded to the workers, some of whom opened fire and killed four workers. May 1 was declared International Labour Day and the Haymarket affair became an international symbol of the struggle for workers' rights. 


Although the event took place in the US, it is still symbolic and most countries celebrate in honour of the victims of the Haymarket affair. In Australia, Labor Day is celebrated in Queensland, Australia's second largest state after New South Wales, and the first Monday in May is a public holiday called May Day. The event is known in the Northern Territory, where it is called "May Day," and in New Zealand as the "Haymarket Affair." 


International Labor Day is not officially recognized in Canada, but is celebrated in many other countries on the first Monday in May. However, in dozens of countries around the world, May Day is recognised as a public holiday and celebrated throughout the year, which is an occasion for demonstrations and rallies in support of workers. 


If you want to know more about International Labour Day, here is a description of the events of 1886. May Day is an official holiday, which is celebrated as an International Working Day. This holiday is celebrated as a public holiday in over 80 countries and can also be called International Labour Day or May Day. This day, also called "May Day," is also celebrated as a public holiday in many countries. 


Labor Day is also an official holiday in the United States, where it is celebrated on May 1st, as well as in many other countries, such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Diwa, South Africa.


May 1st is also known as the suomalaisen, which is celebrated as the feast of the student spring, called vappu. Labor Day, also known as International Labor Day, is promoted by the international socialist and communist labor movement and is often observed in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Socialist groups and trade unions are organizing large political protests (behind a paywall). The day celebrates the workers "struggle and their struggle for a better life for themselves and for the world.


This is why workers' representatives and trade unions are busy this year on International Labour Day calling for safer working conditions.


In the United States, the carpenters "union and other building trades went on a general strike for an eight-hour day, but strike action played no role. In many European countries, May 1, 1890, is celebrated as International Labor Day, which in the United States and Canada is celebrated on the same day as International Labor Day. America has its own Labor Day in September, which divides the rich history of May Day and treats it as a public holiday, even though there were reformist leaders. 

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