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Occupational Health Check Training Seminars
- Sep 26, 2020-

We are a quartz stone factory that pays great attention to the health of employees. After a free physical examination for all employees in early September, this week we also invited experts to conduct occupational health training seminars for employees.

Health Check

What is the Occupational Health Check?

Through medical methods and methods, conduct clinical medical examinations for the possible health effects and health damages caused by occupational hazards that workers are exposed to, understand the health status of the examinees, and find occupational diseases, occupational contraindications and possible other diseases and health damages early Medical behavior. Occupational health inspection is an important content and main source of information for occupational health surveillance. Occupational health inspections include health inspections before, during, and after work.

health check2Personal protection measures are the last barrier

Long-term exposure of workers to dust, chemical hazards, radioactive hazards, physical hazards, and biological hazards in the production environment may cause related occupational diseases. It is recommended that workers who are exposed to occupational disease hazards pay attention to the protection of various hazards, operate in strict accordance with the operating procedures, and wear personal occupational disease protective equipment consciously and correctly.

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