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The use of inferior quartz stone on the countertop of the cabinet is harmful to human body!
- Jun 02, 2020-

Nowadays, quartz stone has become a very popular decoration stone in home decoration, and is favored by many friends of the owners. However, for friends who do not know much about quartz stone, they often ask what is the harm of quartz stone? To help you get rid of this doubt, today I will take you to understand the introduction of quartz stone, I hope to help you! The hazard of inferior quartz stone one: non-wearable and easy-to-produce powder causes respiratory diseases

Although the hardness of quartz stone is strong, if some unscrupulous merchants mix excessive bubbles in the quartz stone plate, this will affect the hardness of the quartz stone and cause it to lose its inherent wear resistance, and the final product produced It is easy to break, and it is easy to drop the powder. If it is used for a long time, it is likely to cause respiratory diseases due to inhalation of too much powder.

The second hazard of inferior quartz stone: organic solvents and heavy metals harm the digestive system

Some unscrupulous merchants use inferior inorganic pigments containing heavy metals such as lead or cadmium in the production process of quartz stone, and directly add organic solvents. If such inferior products are used all the time, those heavy metals and other harmful substances contained in it will directly enter the digestive system using food as a carrier, thereby endangering our human health.

The hazard of inferior quartz stone three: long-term volatilization of residual formaldehyde may cause cancer

Due to the high cost of quartz stone production, in order to reduce costs, all unscrupulous merchants add glue containing formaldehyde in the production process to act as a solvent, and then after this material is processed into a countertop, excess will remain If the formaldehyde is placed indoors, it will always emit a strong formaldehyde smell. If it is used for a long time, it may cause cancer.

Quartz itself is not harmful to us, but some unscrupulous producers make inferior products in order to earn more benefits. Although the prices of these products are very low, they are not harmful to our human body. Therefore, friends must be cautious when buying quartz stone plates. Never buy inferior products.

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