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How Hard Wearing Is Quartz
- Jan 28, 2021-

How Hard Wearing Is Quartz

Quartz, which is the main component of quartz countertops, is a natural mineral, but because it is man-made and not porous, it does not have the ability to seal the countertops made of natural stone. Why, remains a mystery, especially when you consider that quartz is natural and man-made. Many people talk about "Silestone" countertops when Silestone is "man-made" or "natural" quartz. The difference between quartz, which is neither natural nor man-made, and natural quartz must be constructed. 


If you care for your quartz or granite countertops properly, they can last for a very long time. Unlike quartzite, which needs to be re-sealed once or twice a year, you don't have to worry about the proper sealing of the quartz. As a non-porous solid surface, once sealed during the manufacturing process, quartz is very easay to clean and the durability of quartz can be confirmed by manufacturers offering warranties. The simple care with the right quartz polish contributes to the durability of the quartz, but can also be bleached with simple care. 


The great advantages of quartz countertops make it easy to see why quartz is a popular choice for home designers and homeowners who want to install a new countertop. Before we go into the pros and cons, it is important to understand exactly what quartz is and how manufacturers make it. If you are thinking about adding quartz but need an extra nudge, here are some reasons why you should consider using quartz for your countertop.


Quartz refers to a stone made of quartz resin, pigments and other materials. Man - Alternatives to natural quartz, industrial techniques are used to strengthen natural quartz with resin to create really durable, customizable countertops. In order to produce a quartz worktop, the material must be made with a combination of natural materials such as quartz and resin and a high-tech, technical manufacturing process. This is combined to create a material that is more resistant to corrosion and more durable than the natural material it is made of. 


As well as being a good investment for your home, natural stones such as quartz are strong enough to withstand the wear and tear of extreme cooking and regular family gatherings. Quartz is the way to go if you want your countertops to be as durable as possible, but not so durable that you'll have to worry about scratches on your granite countertop. If you can take care of granite, it might be a better option compared to quartz, if you compare it to its durability. Compared to granite and quartz, granite is a better alternative than quartz.


If you are considering outdoor quartz, talk to your manufacturer about how your individual quartz selection works and how it comes at a price. If you don't want to be someone who needs to maintain your granite countertops and seal them twice a year, go to Granite. 


One difference between quartz and granite is that quartz counters are only heat resistant up to a certain point. Quartz fades when exposed to direct sunlight because it has a darker color, and it fades faster than granite countertops. While quartz countertops are currently the more popular option, resale of quartz countertops at home is likely to be much higher than compared to granite. If you want to get a better idea of the cost of quartz or granite, you can get an estimate from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 

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