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hot resistant quartz tops
- Feb 05, 2022-

To avoid heat damage to the quartz worktop, use a coaster or hot cushion if you have any surfaces in your kitchen. Because quartz counters are vulnerable to damage from hot objects, you can use hot pads or coasters on them without leaving your pot or pan directly on the surface. Use a cold pad for hot plates and pots and pans on hot surfaces.


Not all countertops are the same, which means that a hot pan can have serious effects even if the countertop can withstand its heat for a short time, such as a few minutes. So if you want to place your hot pans on their countertops, it's a good idea to choose other materials that can handle and withstand the heat of the hot pan.


Quartz countertops can be damaged by extreme heat and discolor after intense heat, but they can also be maintained well enough to avoid physical damage. Simple maintenance measures are key to maintaining your quartz worktop. With the right precautions against heat, you can preserve the beauty of quartz glass.


Before placing a hot object on your quartz worktop, try to figure out how hot it must be to avoid damage. Maintaining your quartz countertops requires more than just wiping out leaks; you need to protect them from damage from extreme heat.


Most quartz countertops can withstand temperatures of 150 degrees or more, but how heat resistant your counter is depends on the manufacturer. Most quartz countertops can withstand temperatures of 15 - 20 degrees Celsius, and some heat-resistant counters can withstand temperatures of 50 - 60 degrees. How heat resistant your counters are depends on your manufacturer; most quartz countertops can withstand temperatures in the 20-30 degree range, except for high-end models.


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