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How To Clean Stone Worktops
- Jan 19, 2021-


When it comes to being able to easily clean granite countertops anywhere in your home, the answer is to avoid them altogether. Using a mild detergent or warm water solution to wipe the quartz surface will help keep your countertop nice and increase its longevity. If prepared with the right material and without streaks or stains, a natural GranitCountertop cleaner will clean, restore and keep the countertop shiny and clean for you. It is ok to "clean" your granite base with Windex, but to create a clean solution by wiping quartz surfaces with a mild cleaning / hot water solution will not only help keep them beautiful. , it will also promote its longevity!


Today we talk about the best way to clean quartz countertops, but you can also read more about their disinfection and use our Coronavirus cleaning guidelines. Cleaning is involved in every step and ensures that you have a clean, sparkling quartz countertop for a very long time. Today we will talk about how to "clean" your quartz worktop with special manufacturer tips. It's a great way for you to ensure the long life your countertop deserves!


Knowing how to "clean" your granite countertop means knowing what kind of stain it is and how to safely remove it. Before you grab the water that is under the sink and start scrubbing, read what we have to say about how to effectively clean and remove granite undersides. Professionals have a good guide on how to effectively clean and remove granite slabs. We will show you how to clean your kitchen countertops, how to disinfect them and how to best seal your countertops with our Coronavirus cleaning guidelines and other special manufacturer tips.


Granite is not as porous as marble, but it absorbs oil and stains quickly, so wipe off any leaks as quickly as possible. Granite does not soak in oil or stains as easily as other marble types or materials. If possible, wipe the spilled parts immediately and wipe them off with a small amount of soap and water or even a little water and soap.


Wipe the granite countertops in your bathroom with a soapy tea towel every day and wipe up any spills as they occur. Daily cleaning keeps the granite in shape most of the time, but if you spill something or leave a stain, you need to clean a little deeper. The key is to use only as much water as necessary to avoid flooding the stone and make sure you wipe and dry your granite slabs as quickly as possible once you are done cleaning. Washing granite with water is not the best way to clean it, as water can discolor granite and leave traces.


Use mild detergent and warm water to clean the granite countertops in your kitchen, bathroom and other areas of your home, such as the kitchen sink.


Remove dirt, dirt and germs with a damp cloth and then wipe with another dry cloth. Use your homemade granite by spraying it on your countertops and then spraying on the parts that look particularly dirty, such as the top and bottom of the countertops. Spray the homemade granite subfloor cleaner on all your subplates and wipe away dirt and germs with the wet wipe.


Rinse the countertop with water after contact with the cleaner and rinse with a little water to keep it clean and germ-free. Cleaning quartz countertops after cleaning and polishing should mean that you only need to seal your marble countertops every three to six months. But also the cleaning after each month should be done in the same order as you keep your granite and granite floor cleaner clean. 


When it comes to quartz worktop maintenance, you should not use abrasives. The best way to avoid the need for heavy cleaning is to stick to the daily cleaning of your quartz countertops.


Never use abrasives such as sand, sandpaper or other abrasives to clean granite worktops. Never polish marble floors, as they can damage the marble floor and damage the quartz countertops.


Never use wire or wool to clean granite, as they are totally unsuitable for granite countertops due to their high pressure and high temperature sensitivity.


Although it is generally safe to use quartz countertops, to avoid permanent damage when you see how to clean them, see the owner's manual and find out more about how to clean them. Testing for sealants should be as important as cleaning the granite worktop. If your stone counter top is clean and looks like new, take the next step to prevent it from getting stains at all.


Cleaning the surface with warm water and a microfibre cloth helps to make it sparkle day by day. If you want to know what your granite countertop should look like, or if you are considering installing granite countertops but are wary of maintenance, we'll show you how to keep them clean with ease.

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