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What is a Stone Sink?
- Nov 28, 2018-

Stone sinks can be made of natural stone such as marble, granite, travertine or onyx, for use in bathrooms or kitchens. In recent years, stone sinks have become a substitute for ceramic or metal sinks. Because stone sinks have different shapes, colors and styles, they add rich, natural colors and textures to the kitchen and bathroom, and can complement different wood, metal and paint decorations.

A stone sink mounted on a countertop, usually looking like a bowl. Some stone containers have smooth grooves, but the surfaces look like bumpy rocks. Tanks of stone containers can be embossed or carved with patterns or fan-shaped edges. The edges of the shell flume are frilled, similar to certain types of shells.

In addition to round and shell-shaped varieties, it can also be cylindrical or rectangular. Rectangular stone sink shapes are usually very modern and stylized in appearance. For example, the corner may extend upwards beyond the edge of the sink, and the side may bend slightly inward. The pedestal stone sink has a stone pillar to support the sink bowl. They are separate and have no counters or cabinets.


The pedestal stone sink often has the exquisite appearance, and with the ornate column as the characteristic, has added the style to the independent structure. The farm-style stone sink looks very different from the pedestal-style sink. They are large and rectangular, usually with surrounding countertops and cabinets below.

Granite sink is a popular choice for kitchens and bathrooms because it is considered very stain-resistant and cheaper than other types of stone sinks. Granite grooves can be rough or smooth textures, or it can be an interesting combination of textures. The natural stone color granite flume is often dark and dramatic in appearance, often suited with stainless steel and modern decoration.

The marble sink is almost as anti-fouling as the granite sink. There are many beautiful marble shadows used to create sinks, including white, gray and red. The main color of marble is usually enhanced by the natural veins in the stone that give the tanks a desirable natural beauty in their homes.

There are many different shades of brown available in the stone sink, ranging from light brown to pink brown. They add a natural look to the kitchen and bathroom. Agate is different from other types in that its porosity allows light to pass through. Bathroom and kitchen lighting shows the true beauty of the Onyx sink. Many different colors of Onyx pool include warm brown honey, light green and dark green, and brownish red.

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