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How to Clean a Gray Marble Slab
- Feb 09, 2023-

How to Clean a Gray Marble Slab

The best way to keep your marble countertops looking great is to be proactive in cleaning them. Spills will happen, but if you take action quickly and thoroughly clean up spills as soon as they occur, you should be able to avoid most stains.


Prevention is key, so be sure to wipe up any liquid spills as quickly as possible, and don't be afraid to blot them instead of wiping the surface to help prevent spreading them over a large area. This is especially important for stains of alcohol or citrus drinks, which tend to stain the surface more deeply than other liquids.

If you do have a spill, immediately clean it up with a mild detergent or soap solution. You can also use a sponge or microfiber cloth to do this, which will soak up more liquid and leave the counter cleaner.


Stains that soap and a sponge can't get rid of Should be treated with a more intensive cleanser, such as Soft Scrub or Ajax. These cleaners will remove the sealant, allowing you to scrub down to the stain and eliminate it.

Treatment of Stains from Organic Materials

If the marble is light colored, hydrogen peroxide can be used to treat stains from organic material like coffee, wine, and food. It can also be used to remove pet urine stains, but it's best not to use it on dark marble, which may discolor the stone if bleach is applied directly to it.

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