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How to Choose a Quartz Countertop
- Mar 29, 2023-

How to Choose a Quartz Countertop

How to Choose a Quartz Countertop

One of the most important decisions you will make when redesigning your home is choosing what type of countertops you want. There are many types of kitchen and bathroom countertops, but quartz is a popular choice due to its beauty and durability.

Colors and Finish Options

Quartz Table Tops

The main advantage of a quartz countertop is the wide variety of colors available. These can range from neutral shades like white, gray and off-whites to rich blues, yellows and blacks.

Depending on the style of your kitchen, you may want to go with a lighter color or a more striking shade that will really pop in your space. The simplest way to determine what will work best for you is by bringing samples of the different shades and finishes to your supplier or fabricator.

Stain Resistance and Aggregates

A good quality quartz countertop should be stain resistant to stains that are common to kitchens and bathrooms, such as wine, red sauces and coffee. This is because quartz is very hard, so it can take a lot of wear and tear before the surface becomes dull.

Consistency in Countertop Finish and Color

A great quality quartz countertop should be very consistent, patch free and glossy in appearance. This is a key feature that can be missed by many homeowners, especially when they're purchasing their new countertops online or in showrooms.

Another issue is color variation from slab to slab or even within the same slab. This can be a huge problem if you've already chosen your backsplash, cabinetry and flooring around the color of the quartz.

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