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Spring Festival Is Approaching,Every Family Clean The Quartz Stone Countertop
- Jan 29, 2018-


It is near Chinese New Year. (Our factory will take holiday from 8th Feb. To 22nd Feb.2018.)

In China,there is a convention that Every family clean their house every where to make their home very clean. Chinese People believe by cleaning the house will bring new look for the new year and sweep the bad thing away for the past year!

Countertop is very importance since it is related to peoples healthy.We put food directly on the countertop,And Quartz Stone is the most popular material to used for Countertop.So is time to clean the Quartz Stone countertop! Lets see how to clean and maintain quartz stone countertop below.

Normally,just use clean water with cleanser essence to wipe.Quartz Stone is very hard and no hole,so it is very easy to clean. For the stubborn stain,we can use cleanser with Flavoured oil to remove the stain.

Use quartz stone as countertop in your home will make it very easy for you to clean! Why not try Summerly Quartz Stone!


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