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19th Shuitou International Stone Fair Will Coming Soon!
- Nov 09, 2018-

The 19th Shuitou International Stone Fair will held in Shuitou,a famous stone world.


Date:8th to 11th November,2018 (4 days)

Location:Stone Industry Display Center,Shuitou,Nan’an

Exhibition scale:9 display areas,including 1 main display area and 8 perennial areas.Coverage 923,000M2.

Mode of exhibition:Products showing the culture and creativity and combine with stone related machine,ceramic tiles and other building material.

When speaking of beauty,eveyone has different opinion.

As Polato says:Beauty is the true glory. And for those people deal with stone products,how to show the beauty of stone is the priority among the priorities.

Summerly Quartz Stone hope to meet you at Shuitou Stone Fair!



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