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Mould cleaner for granite
- Apr 05, 2022-

Mould cleaner for granite is a good choice for disinfecting granite, as it contains bleach in concentrations lower than those found in stone, including marble. If your non-porous surface does not contain bleach, you can use commercial detergents to disinfect your quartz countertops. 

If you spot stains on your countertop, you must use a special granite cleaning solution for cleaning. The ingredients in homemade countertop cleaners are all natural and safe, and they remove the stains from your countertop before you carry them with you. You can effectively clean your workspaces with a mixture of natural ingredients such as soap, water, vinegar or bleach, as well as commercial cleaners. 


When disinfecting quartz worktops, you should be careful not to use hard chemicals that corrode the surface. Products or solutions containing bleach, ammonia or quaternary ammonium cannot be used to clean or disinfect quartz counter spaces, as they can degrade surfaces over time.     

You can fill a sponge with clean water and rinse it off or spray it with a spray bottle on the quartz. Another good thing about cleaning quartz countertops is that they are very easy to clean and not too difficult to use. To rinse off a quartz counter-top, you can either use the spray bottles to spray the entire counter and get wet, or you can use them as a sponge to spray clean water on quartz and rinse. 

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